Wednesday, February 28, 2007

if you say so

Nowadays, Umar will be the first to report what his day was like in the taska. We used to prompt him with questions, like ‘what did youn learn’, any new song today, teach ibu how to sing it’, what did u eat for lunch( it’s always, doughnut, doughnut, doughnut!).

After quite sometimes, he offers to cerita by himself, and he mention mostly about ‘teacher’ and ‘Ariff’. So, here goes:
Umar: T adi ada ‘happy birthday’
Me: oh ye ke. Birthday siapa?
Umar: No answer.
Umar: Tadi sian Umar.
Me: Kenapa sian kat Umar?
Umar: Tadi teacher *** makan umar punya biskut, gula-gula, sian Umar.
Me: teacher tu takde biskut, dia nak rasa sikit kot. Tak apa lah, share lah dengan teacher, ok?
Umar: tapi Ariff tu tak share dengan Umar pun!

*I’m sad to report that we are only left with I fish and the tortoise.

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