Monday, February 26, 2007

itu macam pun ada??

Alhamdulillah, someone from the office gave us lunch treat at Sha La La restaurant, at Ground Floor of Crown Plaza Hotel. The food was great: ayam percik,
Udang masak lemak, sup daging, pak choy with soy sauce , sambal belacan and lady finger (ocra), and some other condiments. Not forgetting, seri muka and caramel pudding for dessert. On top of that , they have 2 cakes which taste yummeh, but not so good for your health!

What did we do last 2 days? Well, Saturday was just spent with the boys, with Umar always tried really hard to find reasons to fiddle with the fish and the tortoise. For your kind info, out of the 4 fish, 1 has died, I think due to the recent attack of a Martian.
Well, according to a trusted source, it was found with
the tail being torn? ! hurghh..poor fish, may he rests in peace..

Sis in-law (zatul) came Saturday evening, and I have extra helping hand in-terms of looking aftre the boys. At least now, prayer time is peaceful, no giggling at your ears everythime you perform sujud, or someone hanging from your waist or even from your neck, when you are about to stand up. Sometimes even Hafiz will do the actions ahead of you, and then he will look at you and try to see whether he is in the correct position. Imagine when he peeps from his supposedly sujud position! ;-)

Sunday , as usual, early morning it’s off to TTDI we go. Done that and after breakfast at Mosin’s, we were back to Kajang, or Tesco Kajang to be exact. One intersting incident is this: I ended having 3 bags of diapers (Huggies and Drypers- on promo!), and 3 tins of formula for the 3 boys. I was queuing at the cashier waiting for my turn to unload our stuffs. Apart from that we ahd bread, fruits and veggies for Lutfil’s porridge, Umar’s staple food, which comprises of cookies and crackers but no yogurt for that day.
A man of around 40’s and his daughter kept looking at us, and we always got that stares- perhaps from the many diapers, and milk formula that were in our trolleys. I just ignored and finally I understood what his interest was, when I finished unloading the stuffs on the counter. He said” Err..You ada ke bonus link? Boleh saya guna saya punya tak?” Ooo..barulah saya faham . Pakcik tu had been eyeing our stuffs and had been calculating that the amounts equals to lots and lots of bonus link’s points! ..Hmm..ambik lah pakcik..!
Hopefully, I have made his day..:-)


Cherry said...

i also collect Bonus Link point from Tesco diligently but every time exoired ! somehow i still collect and somehow i keep expiring the points ... parts of me is still not "getting the point"

ekantona said...

I semua cards ada, isetan, bonus link, jusco, real rewards, credit cards point, tapi samalah kita, semua expired..not good at keeping points:-), n redeem